Mold and Water Damage Services
Homes and offices are no place for mold, bacteria and airborne toxins. If your residential or commercial space experiences a water backup or flooding that leads to moisture damage, All Star Mold Testing & Water Damage, Inc. will be your go-to source for affordable cleanup and testing solutions. We'll work with you to assess your current environment and detect threats before or after an emergency.
With more than 19 years of industry experience, our team knows how to look after your family, friends and colleagues like no one else can. We're based out of Walnut Creek, CA, and service nearby locations in the San Francisco Bay Area for routine check-ins, which will prepare you for the unexpected. Whether you require restoration, air quality testing or a mold inspection, you'll find that we're here for you through thick and thin.
We Offer Flexible Scheduling Night and Weekend Appointments at No Extra Cost! |
Testing and Inspecting for Mold and Moisture
Depending on weather conditions and flooding history, your home or commercial building might be a hotspot for mold and mildew. Harmful buildups can exist behind baseboards, inside walls, under flooring, under or behind cabinets and any other wet or humid locations. Over time, the presence of mold can endanger your health, as breathing in particles can lead to illness.
Fortunately, All Star Mold Testing & Water Damage is able to perform a series of tests that involve measuring moisture levels of building materials, collecting samples, examining air quality and identifying the source of the issue. Cleaning up the mess doesn't necessarily mean your home or office will be free from bacteria and excess moisture, which is why we'll visit your property and gauge the severity of mold accumulation, coming up with a correct course of action.
Residential and Commercial Mold Inspections
Home and business owners must understand that some types of mold hide deep below surfaces. You cannot always see mold with the naked eye, and odors may go unnoticed for weeks, months or years at a time. We can provide detailed visual inspections to help you recognize the problem right away.
Air Quality and Mold Testing Services
Our specialists can detect molds by collecting samples for further analysis. We take small steps to avoid unnecessary destruction of the home or office, and we have the ability to capture mold spores in the air and across surfaces. Our experts will report back to you after identifying any mold species under a microscope in a laboratory setting.
Residential and Commercial Mold Remediation, Cleaning and Removal
Once your test results are clear, we'll begin drawing up a plan for safe cleaning and mold removal. Technician's will visit your property with the appropriate equipment to complete the job, which involves scrubbing, applying anti-microbials, drying and ventilating the area for your safety. We pride ourselves on timely results and will help you regain control of your residential or commercial space using EPA-registered disinfectants.
Water and Storm Damage Restoration
Water damage can happen at any time, so we cater to those in the Bay Area with same-day visits and emergency services. We'll take the time to coordinate an appointment that works for your schedule with weekend and night visits available. Moisture and mold go hand in hand, so we'll walk around your property to scan for areas of concern near ceilings, cabinets, basements, windows and anywhere else spores can spread.
From faulty plumbing connections to toilet overflows, we've seen it all, and we have the knowledge to trace water damage for repairs.
Schedule an Appointment Today
All Star Mold Testing & Water Damage performs air, surface and swab assessments for mold, mildew and sewage bacteria. Our experts also conduct inspections to help determine the source of moisture if unknown. We extend our services to the entire San Francisco Bay Area, including all cities in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma counties and more.
Are you currently seeking mold remediation or water damage services for your home or business? Call All Star Mold Testing & Water Damage for experienced, professional and reliable results you can trust. For questions and inquiries, complete our contact form online today!

All Star Mold Testing Walnut Creek, CA Serving cities in the following counties: Alameda, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Merced, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, and Yolo. 1-800-813-7704 |